Although sixteen year old Beatrice Grant (Bea) is very new to our studio - having joined our roster just this past fall - she has quickly established herself in the upper echelon of Minnesota's top pianists. Yesterday, Bea received Honorable Mention in the new Steinway Competition and two weeks earlier was named Third Place Winner in the new Bosendorfer Competition. Prior to these showings, Bea was a winner of the Golden Valley Orchestra's Young Artists Competition resulting in her first ever performance with orchestra of the first movement of Schumann's great masterpiece, the A minor Concerto. In December, she was the Third Place Winner of the St. Paul Piano Teachers (SPPTA) Concerto Competition. Earlier in the fall, Bea was selected by audition to perform in the Master Class of the great Seymour Bernstein.
Bea shows all the signs of having what it takes to develop a major performing career. She is a powerful young woman in every way - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. She has an extensive background of study with her mother from the age of three. She possesses a natural, powerful technique which is growing by leaps and bounds before my very ears! She has a searing musical intellect and is able to devour large works with breathtaking speed and efficiency. Bea and I have established an instant and hyper-productive rapport. I feel that she has always been my student.
She works hard with great devotion and most importantly, she places her service to the music above herself. She is a beautiful person. Bea will be a virtuoso.
Yours in Music -
Joe & Jo Anne