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Andre Peck Takes 2nd Place in SPPTA's Concerto Competition; Will Gannon Places Fourth

André Previn Peck took Second Place in The St. Paul Piano Teachers (SPPTA) Concerto Competition last Saturday! André just turned eleven years old and has been a member of our Premier Class just since last January. He is the youngest member of our studio to ever score so high up in this respected, long-standing, and rewarding event. He performed the first movement of Mozart’s great Concerto in C Major, K. 467, including the stupendously difficult and complex cadenza by Dinu Lipatti. Andre is a resident of La Crosse, Wisconsin. Until the pandemic hit, he made the five-hour-plus round trip every week for his lessons. André will be added to our Student Showcase Page very shortly.

Our great William Gannon (15)who is also new to our studio just since last January - was awarded Fourth Place in the same event. Will performed the first movement of Chopin’s masterpiece, Concerto No. 1 in E minor. With his MTNA State Alternate award earlier this fall, Will is off to a strong start at the beginning of his first full year with us.

Both young men received rave reviews from the three judges.

Because of the Covid-19 pandemic, the competition was a virtual event.

For those new to our studio, our wonderful Orion Kim was the First Place Winner in last year’s event. As a result, he was awarded an appearance with the Mississippi Valley Orchestra, conducted by Ho-Yin Kwok. Orion performed the first movement of the Saint-Saëns Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Opus 22.

More later!

Yours in Music –

Joe & Jo Anne


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